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Uzaktan Canlı IMAT Sınavına Hazırlık Kursu

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img 23 Haziran 2020
Uzaktan Canlı IMAT Sınavına Hazırlık Kursu

İtalya’da Tıp eğitimi almak isteyen öğrencilerin İtalya üniversitelerinde eğitim için girdikleri bu yıl 10 Eylül 2020 tarihinde gerçekleşecek IMAT Sınavı’na (International Medical Admission Test) online olarak hazırlanabilirsiniz. 

Avrupa’nın enlerine sahip İtalya üniversitelerinde, insanlık için değerini günümüz Covid-19 süresince de tekrar hatırladığımız Tıp alanında eğitim almak pek çok öğrencinin hayallerini ve hedeflerini süslemekte Siz de onlardan biriyseniz İtalya üniversiteleri için geçer puan almanız gereken IMAT Sınavı’na online olarak hazırlanabilirsiniz.


2019 IMAT Puan Sıralamasına Göre Üniversitelerin Listeleri / Şehirleri 

  1. Milano Üniversitesi - Milano
  2. Milano Bicocca Üniversitesi - Milano
  3. Bologna Üniversitesi - Bologna (Avrupa’nın en eski üniversitesi)
  4. Pavia Üniversitesi - Pavia
  5. Roma Sapienza Üniversitesi - Roma (Avrupa’nın en büyük üniversitesi)
  6. Padova Üniversitesi - Padova
  7. Torino Ünviersitesi - Torino
  8. Roma Tor Vergata Üniversitesi - Roma
  9. Napoli Federico II Üniversitesi - Napoli
  10. Bari Üniversitesi - Bari
  11. Messina Üniversitesi - Messina, Sicilya
  12. Napoli “Vantivelli” Üniversitesi - Napoli
  13. Siena Üniversitesi - Siena (Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi)
  14. Napoli “Vantivelli” Üniversitesi - Napoli

IMAT Sınavı Nedir?

İngilizce gerçekleştirilen bu sınav İtalyan üniversiteleri tarafından kabul edilir ve çoktan seçmeli 60 sorudan oluşmaktadır. Sınav süresi 100 dakikadır.

Sınav Konuları;

  • Mantıksal Akıl Yürütme
  • Genel Kültür
  • Biyoloji
  • Kimya
  • Fizik
  • Matematik



Cell structure

Cellular theory. Cell size. Prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. Cell biology and microscopy, Animal and plant cells have features in common, Differences between animal and plant cells, Units of measurement in cell studies, Electron microscopy, Ultrastructure of an animal cell, Ultrastructure of a plant cell, Two fundamentally different types of cell, Viruses.

Biological molecules

The chemistry of living things, The biological importance of weak interactions, Organic/inorganic molecules in living organisms, The building blocks of life, Monomers, polymers and macromolecules, Carbohydrates, Lipids, Proteins, Water



Mode of action of enzymes, Factors that affect enzyme action, Enzyme inhibitors, Comparing the affinity of different enzymes for their substrates, Immobilising enzymes

Cell membranes and transport

Phospholipids, Structure of membranes, Cell signaling, Movement of substances into and out of cells

The cell cycle

Chromosomes, Mitosis/Meiosis, The significance of telomeres, Stem cells, Cancer
Nucleic acids and protein synthesis
The structure of DNA and RNA, DNA replication, Genes and mutations, DNA, RNA, and protein synthesis


Defense against disease, Cells of the immune system, Active and passive immunity, Autoimmune diseases

Energy and respiration

The need for energy in living organisms, ATP, Respiration, Mitochondrial structure and function, Respiration without oxygen, Respiratory substrates


An energy transfer process, The light-dependent reactions of photosynthesis, The light-independent reactions of photosynthesis, Chloroplast structure and function, Factors necessary for photosynthesis, C4 plants


The Cellular Basis of Reproduction and Inheritance, Patterns of Inheritance, Molecular Biology of the Gene, DNA Technology and Genomics


Variation, Natural selection, Evolution, Artificial selection, The Darwin–Wallace theory of evolution by natural selection, Species and speciation, Molecular comparisons between species, Extinctions


The Biosphere: An Introduction to Earth's Diverse Environments, Behavioral Adaptations to the Environment, Population Ecology, Communities, and Ecosystems, Conservation Biology


Biodiversity, Systematic sampling, Correlation, Classification, Viruses, Threats to biodiversity, Protecting endangered species, Controlling alien species, International conservation organizations, Restoring degraded habitats

Anatomy and Physiology of animals and humans

  • Digestive system
  • Respiratory system
  • Circulatory system
  • Nervous system
  • Senses
  • Endocrine system
  • Excretory system
  • Reproduction and Embryonic Development
  • Plants structures


States of matter:

Heterogeneous and homogeneous systems; compounds
and elements.

The structure of the atom:

Elementary particles, atomic number, and mass number, isotopes, electronic structure of atoms of the elements.

The periodic table of elements:

Groups and periods, transition elements, periodic properties of elements: atomic radius, ionization potential, electron affinity, metals and non-metals; relations between electronic structure, position in the periodic table and properties.

The chemical bond:

Ionic bond, covalent bond, bond polarity, electronegativity.

Fundamentals of inorganic chemistry:

Nomenclature and main properties of inorganic compounds: oxides, hydroxides, acids, salts; position in the periodic table.

Chemical reactions and stoichiometry:

Atomic and molecular weight, Avogadro constant, the concept of the mole, conversion from grams to moles and vice versa, elementary stoichiometric calculations, balancing simple reactions, various types of chemical reactions.


Solvent properties of water, solubility, the main ways of expressing the concentration of solutions.

Elements of chemical kinetics and catalysis.

Oxidation and reduction:

Oxidation number, the concepts of oxidizing, and reducing agents.

Acids and bases:

Concepts of acids and bases, acidity, neutrality, and basicity of aqueous solutions, pH, buffers, hydrolysis.

Fundamentals of organic chemistry:

Bonds between carbon atoms; molecular, structural and displayed formulae; concept of isomers; aliphatic, alicyclic and aromatic hydrocarbons; functional groups: alcohols, ethers, amines, aldehydes, ketones, carboxylic acids, esters, amides.

Elements of nomenclature.


Direct and indirect measures, fundamental and derived quantities, physical dimensions of quantities, knowledge of the metric system and the CGS System of Units, Technical (or practical) (ST) and the International System (SI) of Units (names and relationships between fundamental and derived units), and multiples and submultiples (names and values).



Kinematic quantities, various types of motion with particular regard to uniform and uniformly accelerating rectilinear motion, uniform circular motion, harmonic motion (for all motion: definition and relationships between measures).


Vectors and operations on vectors. Forces, moments of forces about a point. Vector composition of forces. Definitions of mass and weight. Acceleration due to gravity. Density and specific gravity. Law of universal gravitation, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd laws of motion. Work, kinetic energy, potential energy. Principle of conservation of energy.

Fluid mechanics:

Pressure, and its units of measurement (not only in the SI system). Archimedes’ principle. Pascal’s principle. Stevino’s law.


Thermometry and calorimetry. Specific heat, heat capacity. Mechanisms of heat propagation. Changes of state and latent heat. Ideal Gas Laws. First and second laws of thermodynamics.

Electrostatics and electrodynamics

Coulomb’s law. Field and electric potential. Dielectric constant. Capacitors.

Capacitors in series and in parallel. Direct current. Ohm’s law. Electrical resistance and resistivity, electrical resistors in series and in parallel. Work, Power, Joule effect.

Generators. Electromagnetic induction and alternating currents. Effects of electrical currents (thermal, chemical, and magnetic).


Algebra and numerical sets

Natural numbers, integers, rational and real numbers, sorting and comparison: scales and scientific notation, operations and their properties, proportions, and percentages, powers with whole and rational exponents and their properties. and their properties.

Logarithms Base 10 and base e and their properties.

Elements of combinatorics.

Algebraic and polynomial expressions.

Special products of binomials, n th power of a binomial, factorization of polynomials. Algebraic fractions.

Equatıons and Inequalities

Algebraic equations and inequalities of the first and second order.

Systems of equations.


Basic concepts of functions and their graphical representations

(domain, codomain, sign, maxima, and minima, increasing and decreasing, etc.).Elementary functions:whole and fractional algebraic functions, exponential,logarithmic and trigonometric functions. Composite functions and inverse functions.

Trigonometric equations and inequalities.



Polygons and their properties.

Basic geometry

Circle and circumference. Measurement of length, area, and volume. Isometries, similarities, and equivalences in the plane. Geometric loci. Measure angles in degrees and radians. Sine, cosine, tangent of an angle, and their significant values.


Trigonometric formulas. Solving triangles. Cartesian reference system in a plane.

Analytical geometry

Distance between two points and the midpoint of their representation in the cartesian plane. segment. Equation of a line. Concepts of parallel and perpendicular. The distance of a point from a straight line. Equation of the circle, the parabola, hyperbola, ellipse, and their representation in the cartesian plane.

Pythagorean theorem

Permutation – Combination – Probability

Probability and statistics frequency distributions and their graphic representations. concepts of random experiments and of events. Probability and frequency.

İtalya'da tıp eğitimi hakkında bilgi alabileceğiniz Eduponte tarafından düzenlenen “İtalya’da Tıp ve Cerrahi” adlı Türkçe altyazılı söyleşinin videosunu izlemek için tıklayınız.  

İtalya’da Tıp Eğitimi Alın

İtalya üniversitelerinde Tıp eğitimi almak, uluslararası geçerli bir diplomaya sahip olmak ve yurtdışını deneyimlemek için İtalya’da üniversite eğitimini değerlendirin. Bize başvurak İtalya’da eğitim hakkında ücretsiz danışmanlık alabilir, bizimle üniversitelere başvurularınızı gerçekleştirebilir, yurtdışı eğitim deneyiminizi baştan sona uzman kadromuzla gerçekleştirebilirsiniz. İletişime geçmek ve yurtdışı eğitim programları hakkında detaylı bilgi almak için ücretsiz danışmanlık randevusu alın.

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