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The United States of America (USA) is a country consisting of 13 colonies and declared its independence in 1776 as a result of great struggles with England. The United States is a democratic, federal, constitutional republic consisting of 50 states and one federal district. On July 4, 1876, the USA did not make an agreement or organize an event with England. In the United States, the majority of the population is indigenous, but the country has also been enriched by immigrants from around the world. Especially towards the end of the 20th century, the number of people immigrating to the USA increased rapidly.

The United States is one of the richest countries in the world in terms of population diversity, and this diversity is also observed in many areas such as linguistic diversity. English is used as the official language in the United States and is the most widely spoken language in the country, but Spanish is also considered an important language and the second most spoken language in the country. Particularly in the Southwest and Southeast regions of the United States, there are Spanish-speaking areas and the number of Spanish-speaking populations is growing rapidly. For this reason, Spanish has become a widely spoken and taught language in the United States.

Where is America?

The United States of America (USA) is a country located in the north of the American continent. The USA has a width of 4,500 kilometers, from the Atlantic Ocean in the east to the Pacific Ocean in the west, and borders Canada to the north and Mexico to the south. The United States also has two states that are far from the mainland: Hawaii and Puerto Rico. These states are regions of the United States that are far from the mainland of the United States.

United States Economy

The United States is a country that has the distinction of being a leading power in the world economy. The private sector has a strong role and the free market economy is based. The country's economy consists of a wide variety of sectors, including agriculture, trade, tourism, services and technological sectors. The country's largest export items include machinery, automobiles, chemicals and agricultural products.

The economy of the United States has many important industrial regions that play an important role in the world economy. These regions include states such as California, Illinois, New York, Texas and Massachusetts. The USA is also known as an important trade and financial center around the world.

American Climate

Since the United States is a country with a large surface area, there are different climate types and landforms in the country. These climates and landforms vary in different parts of the country. It is located in arid regions such as the subtropical climate in Florida, the cold climate in Alaska, the Mojave Desert in Nevada, and in high mountain regions such as Olympic National Park in Washington state.

Public Holidays in the United States

Public holidays in the USA are declared by the federal government. Some states and local governments may also declare their own public holidays. The following is a list of declared federal public holidays in the United States:

New Year's Day (January 1)
Martin Luther King Jr.'s Birthday (January 3)
Washington's Birthday (February 22)
Labor Day (May 1)
Monuments Day (May 31)
Independence Day (July 4)
Victory Day (August 14)
Columbus Day (October 11)
Veterans Day (November 11)
Thanksgiving (November 25)
Noël (December 25)

Apart from these, there are also public holidays declared by states and local governments. The state of Hawaii has public holidays such as "Birthday of the Queen of Hawaii" and "End of the Occupation of Hawaii".

Education in the United States

Universities and institutes in the USA have an important place in the education system in the country. Universities and institutes generally attach great importance to students' academic and social environments and organize various events to enrich these environments. Educational programs of universities and institutes in the USA can also vary greatly. While some universities and institutes in the USA provide education only in a certain field, others offer educational programs in a wide variety of fields.

University, language education and master's degree in the USA

There are different levels of education in the USA, such as university education, language education and graduate education . University education is a full-time study program to obtain a bachelor's degree. Language training is short-term educational programs that involve learning English or other languages. Postgraduate study is a full-time or part-time study program for those who have already completed a bachelor's degree to obtain a master's degree. All of these levels of education are offered at various universities and language schools in the USA.

American student visa

Students who want to study in the United States (USA) must apply for a student visa. The US student visa application process is quite detailed and students must first enroll in a school or university to which they have been accepted. There are two types of US student visas : F-1 and M-1. While the F-1 visa is issued for students who will study at universities, colleges or language schools, the M-1 visa is issued for students who will study in technical schools or vocational training programs. During the US student visa application process, students are required to pay a visa application fee, pay a SEVIS fee and attend a visa interview. In order for applications to be accepted, students must have certain financial resources and prove that they can cover their education and living expenses in America.

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English is the most common language in the United States. Although it is not the official language of the American Government at the federal level, the language of the government is English. At least 28 of the 50 states in the USA have adopted English as an official language.

The capital of the United States is Washington, DC.

Covering the central part of North America , extending from the Atlantic Ocean in the east to the Pacific Ocean in the west, the United States borders Canada to the north and Mexico to the south. It also includes Alaska in the northwest of the American continent and the Hawaiian archipelago in the Pacific Ocean.

A wide variety of climate types are seen in AMERICA. In the southeast, Hawaii and Florida have a tropical climate, a polar climate in the Alaska region , a semi-arid climate in the western part of the Mississippi River, and an arid climate in the southwestern parts ; In the higher parts of the northwest, winter temperatures are quite low.

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